A Vision and Concept for St Cuthbert's
St Cuthbert's will provide connected villages embedded in stunning healthy landscapes within the world class setting of the Lake District National Park, the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site.
A cluster of distinct garden villages set in an attractive recreational, riverside and landscape setting will be well connected to Carlisle and the wider countryside. St Cuthbert's will actively promote healthy lifestyles providing integrated communities focused around high quality homes, locally distinctive spaces and inclusive facilities. Innovation and technology will support attractive employment opportunities and exemplary low carbon living.
World class setting of the Lake District National Park, the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site
The first Stage of the St Cuthbert's Masterplan was completed in February 2019. It provided a concept for the Garden Village based on a comprehensive process reviewing key conclusions from various technical reports and public engagement. Key features of the concept include:
The concept can be read in full in the Stage 1 Masterplan.
Start with the park...
New development in the Garden Village will be expected to subscribe to the following principles:
1. Start with the Park: Deliver a landscape-led masterplan that harnesses the rivers, world class views and woodlands to create a network of unique, high quality, active landscapes and new destinations.
2. Locally Distinctive: Support locally distinctive, design of buildings, streets and spaces to create memorable and unique places to live.
3. Quality Homes and Lifetime Neighbourhoods: Promote a mix of high quality homes in distinct and integrated lifetime neighbourhoods.
4. Community Focused: Focus inclusive communities around a hierarchy of excellent facilities clustered around village centres.
5. Innovative Employment Opportunities: Support a variety of entrepreneurial and creative employment and skills opportunities.
6. Healthy Environments: Promote health and well-being through accessible facilities and healthy lifestyles for all ages.
7. Smart and Sustainable Living: Support low carbon living through sustainable planning, transport and energy.
8. Integrated Sustainable Transport: Provide excellent sustainable connections and environments that make walking, cycling and public transport the most attractive method of getting from A to B, making the most of the opportunities presented by the Carlisle Southern Link Road.
9. Exemplary Delivery and Stewardship: Continue to positively engage a range of people and communities in design, delivery and stewardship.
Public engagement is at the very heart of the masterplanning process.
Your views have helped shape St Cuthbert's Garden Village
It is absolutely vital that members of the public and other stakeholders have their say on what St Cuthbert's should be and where it should be located. The importance of public consultation and engagement has been ingrained in the masterplanning process for the Garden Village right from the very beginning, and it is something we have been keen to maintain as plans have progressed.
There were two periods of public consultation during the production of the Stage One Masterplan. The first, which asked people to consider the scope of the Garden Village, coincided with the launch of St Cuthbert's in January 2018. The second built on the responses received during the first stage of consultation and sought views on the emerging concept proposals and vision.
Engagement with other stakeholders and partners has been on going since before January 2018. Workshops, focus groups and other specific events have been held with various infrastructure and service providers, the highways authority, utilities, schools, Carlisle College, local land owners, and parish councils. These events have helped providers keep up to date with the masterplan's progress, and has let them plan for the types and amounts of infrastructure that will be required to deliver the Garden Village. Where events have been held with local schools and the college, they have been invaluable in engaging groups that don't normally get involved with the planning process, helping to bring St Cuthbert's Garden Village to a wider audience.
For each period of consultation, a feedback document has been produced summarising who, how and when engagement has taken place, and what key messages have emerged. These documents can be viewed via the following links:
Scoping and Visioning (Jan-Mar 18) Consultation Feedback Document
Concept Proposals and Vision (Jun-Sep 18) Consultation Feedback Document